Laurie Lang on Bass

Current Projects

I lead projects and collaborate with other artists on a number of projects. Here is some of what is happening at the moment.

Project Archive

Here's a look at some of the projects I've done in the past and artists I've worked with.

British Jazz Links Exploration: Julie Dunn / Ray Butcher. These two UK jazz artists and I have developed a friendship that led to their coming to the US to be part of a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina. Current conversations are going on for upcoming performances 2014. Past projects include:

  • Jazz Vespers – 2005, Musical prayers for Peace and Unity
  • For Katrina – 2005, Jazz Concert and Fundraiser for Hurricane Victims

Suzuki Strings of Madison – Fiddle Camp 2011 An outreach for young musicians to explore improvisation through various styles of music.

Residencies of National Level Jazz Artists Several projects in conjunction with MMC, MJS (Madison Jazz Society), Madison Area Public Schools, Wisconsin Union Theater, Urban League, Boys and Girls Club of Madison and Mount Zion Baptist Church where national jazz artists: Tia Fuller (Beyonce), Mary Stallings, Carmen Lundy, Teri Lynne Carrington, joined forces with local musicians to bring their music, share their experience and make music with young and old people in the Madison area community.

Local Residencies As a community member in Middleton, WI, I have visited Sauk Trail Elementary School as a guest artist since 2001. I have done various performances and residencies with the music teacher John Becker. We have also performed at the Middleton Public Library for the reading incentive programs.

As long as there are musicians who have a passion for spontaneity, for creating something that’s never been before, the art form of jazz will flourish.

— Charlie Haden